Itor ZnPPIX therapy, in the light (L) or dark (D) for
Itor ZnPPIX treatment, inside the light (L) or dark (D) for a further 12 h (25uC). Values are means 6 SE of three unique experiments with at the very least…
Itor ZnPPIX treatment, inside the light (L) or dark (D) for a further 12 h (25uC). Values are means 6 SE of three unique experiments with at the very least…
137.54, 131.25, 128.97,J Org Chem. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2014 November 01.Walia et al.Page127.72, 127.13, 125.09, 120.14, 118.57, 66.28, 46.54, 32.19, 21.03; LRMS (ESI): m/z = 359.17 +. The…