11/Page 9 ofTable three Odds ratios for cardiovascular ailment chance score CRFs + fit by quintiles of PAGroup Quintile Total PA OR Boys (6 to 9 years) n = 414 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) Girls (6 to 9 many years) n = 421 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) two.twenty 4.07 two.94 one.59 one 0.68 to seven.sixteen one.66 to 9.98 1.29 to six.70 0.65 to three.93 3.70 4.46 five.34 1.88 one 1.21 to 11.29 one.69 to 11.77 2.twelve to 13.42 0.66 to five.38 5.88 two.85 1.87 1.84 1 two.20 to 15.76 1.02 to 7.96 0.64 to five.51 0.63 to 5.36 5.95 7.05 5.23 3.46 1 1.86 to 19.05 2.47 to twenty.15 1.81 to 15.13 one.17 to 10.26 3.36 1.61 1.91 0.95 1 one.17 to 9.64 0.61 to four.21 0.79 to four.61 0.36 to two.48 five.forty two.05 two.00 one.sixteen one two.05 to 14.twenty 0.76 to 5.58 0.75 to five.31 0.42 to three.twenty 2.69 1.65 one.15 0.73 one one.06 to 6.80 0.66 to 4.16 0.44 to 2.99 0.26 to 2.04 four.36 two.38 two.06 1.29 1 one.62 to eleven.71 0.91 to six.23 0.78 to 5.48 0.47 to three.56 95 CI Reasonable PA OR 95 CI Vigorous PA OR 95 CI MVPA OR 95 CICVD possibility score B involves SBP, HOMA-IR, ratio cholesterol/HDL-c, triglycerides, sum of two skinfolds and cardiorespiratory fitness. Substantial associations are highlighted in bold. CRF CVD risk issue, CVD cardiovascular illness, HDL high-density lipoprotein, HOMA-IR homeostasis model evaluation, MVPA moderate + vigorous PA, PA physical action, Q quintile, Q5 reference as highest PA ranges, SBP systolic blood stress.Table 4 Time per day invested with the different PA intensities during the five quintiles of PAQuintiles by group Complete PA Counts/min SD Boys (two to six years) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) Ladies (two to 6 many years) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) Boys (six to 9 many years) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) Women (6 to 9 many years) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 (reference) 354.three 459.1 538.6 621.0 789.9 52.6 123.one to 414.0 24.five 414.seven to 499.five 21.9 499.8 to 575.7 28.9 575.seven to 677.9 12.6 21.three 28.2 36.two three.seven two.0 two.1 2.8 9.4 one.3 to 17.eight 18.three to 24.6 24.eight to 31.eight 32.0 to 41.3 one.5 3.3 5.3 8.five 0.6 0.3 to two.4 0.5 2.six to 4.2 0.seven four.three to six.five one.one 6.7 to 10.7 15.0 26.0 34.three 45.0 4.six two.6 two.four three.three 1.three to 21.eight 21.eight to 30.0 30.3 to 38.7 39.2 to 51.3 383.5 507.six 594.4 690.three 871.one 60.six 165.4 to 461.four 24.7 461.four to 548.two 24.three 548.6 to 635.8 34.4 635.9 to 752.7 17.5 29.seven 38.two 48.two 5.two 2.8 two.4 three.5 3.0 to 24.three 24.7 to 34.3 34.3 to 42.six 42.7 to 54.5 one.six three.eight 6.one 9.9 0.7 0.three to 2.eight 0.six three.0 to four.9 0.eight five.0 to 7.six 1.3 seven.eight to twelve.3 20.three 34.eight 45.four 57.four six.two 3.four 3.1 4.5 three.0 to 28.5 28.seven to forty.3 40.six to 50.8 51.0 to 65.eight 357.3 473.2 548.five 637.4 806.seven 58.two 173.9 to 428.two 24 432.eight to 516.two ten.1 18.2 25.seven 33.seven 3.0 2.one 2.1 two.four 9.two 14.eight to 21.five 22.0 to 29.seven 29.8 to 38.0 38.three to 77.7 24.seven to 34.3 0.9 two.two 3.9 six.one 12.2 0.four 0.2 to 1.4 0.4 one.six to two.eight 0.6 three.0 to 4.8 0.eight five.0 to seven.eight 6.0 eight.0 to 58.3 eleven.3 21.5 30.0 39.9 57.8 three.6 2.5 2.seven three.0 3.3 to 16.seven 17.0 to 25.879883-54-2 Formula 3 25.179056-94-1 supplier eight to 34.PMID:26446225 3 35.0 to 45.3 389.six 525.two 616.4 708.8 893.seven 59.seven 187.two to 470.9 28.2 470.9 to 572.0 24.9 572.four to 659.6 31.six 659.8 to 765.eight 13.three 22.9 31.0 41.two 4.1 two.two two.seven three.8 one.3 to 18.7 18.eight to 26.3 26.five to 35.6 35.seven to 47.7 0.9 two.three three.9 6.two 0.four 0.2 to 1.five 0.4 1.seven to 3.0 0.4 three.three to four.seven one.1 four.8 to 8.5 6.3 8.7 to 37.seven 14.9 25.9 35.three 48.1 73.two 4.six 2.4 2.9 four.seven one.three to 21.3 21.seven to 29.8 thirty.three to 39.eight forty.3 to 57.2 Assortment Moderate PA Min/day SD Array Vigorous PA Min/day SD Array MVPA Min/day SD Range97.five 769.0 to 1,239.8 61.11.1 48.0 to 115.seven 14.13.two 57.3 to 141.19.seven 516.7 to 582.four 32.four 584.one to 693.103 694.eight to one,210.six 47.11.7 45.3 to 107.99.9 753.two to one,258.seven 69.12.3 54.eight to 115.0 18.five.8 12.three to 42.0 84.15.4 66.3 to 137.97.7 680.7 to one,198.9 52.41.7 to 103.5 17.five.9 11.3 to 46.three 66.13.one 53.one.