Hat showed a dosedependent reduction and reversal to regular BP on discontinuation of DSF. A brief assessment of relevant literature has been undertaken to compile data on possible mechanism of DSF induced hypertension. A PubMed search was carried out making use of the keywords; “disulfiram,” “hypertension,” “blood pressure,” and relevant articles have been retrieved supplemented with a manual search on the cross references.CASE REpORTA 39yearold married adult male, from urban and middle socioeconomic background, presented using a history of each day alcohol consumption (92123 g ofDOI: 10.4103/0253-7176.Division of Psychiatry, SDM College of Health-related Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka, IndiaAddress for correspondence: Dr. Ranganath R. Kulkarni Division of Psychiatry, SDM College of Health-related Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad 580 009, Karnataka, India. E mail: dranant007@rediffmail Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine | Apr – Jun 2013 | Vol 35 | Challenge 2Kulkarni and Bairy: Disulfiram induced reversible hypertensionethanol/day) and chewing of tobacco (1520 packets) due to the fact ten years using the dependence pattern since four years. He was diagnosed as alcohol dependence syndrome, and tobacco dependence syndrome in uncomplicated withdrawal state as per ICD10 diagnostic criteria.[8] He had no prior healthcare history of hypertension, diabetes, heavy metal exposure, epilepsy, neurological deficits, or any drug intake. Family members history of alcoholism, but not hypertension was noted in his father and brother. On admission, important parameters showed marginal alcohol withdrawal sympathetic activity with pulse price of 96 beats/min and BP of 140/90 mm of Hg.Price of (S)-2-Methylpiperidine hydrochloride His basic physical plus the systemic examination revealed no other abnormal findings, except for fine tremors of each hands and mild hepatomegaly. Patient had preoccupations with alcohol, anxious mood with preserved cognitions, and grade4 insight. Just after alcohol detoxification, his BP had stabilized to 120/84 mm of Hg on day8 of admission. Electrocardiograph revealed no abnormalities. Hematological and biochemical investigations including full blood count, blood glucose (105 mg/dl), blood urea (25 mg/dl), and serum creatinine (1.0 mg/dl) have been inside normal limits. Liver function tests were normal except for elevated liver enzymes (gammaglutamyl transferase 96 units/L; serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 120 units/L; serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase 56 units/L).1,4-Benzodioxane-6-boronic acid Price His ultrasound abdomen showed mildly enlarged liver with grade2 fatty infiltration.PMID:26760947 Thinking about frequent relapses, patient, and spouse had been explained in regards to the nature of illness, and its numerous treatment modalities accessible such as DSF. Written informed consent for DSF therapy was taken in addition to a dose of 500 mg/day was initiated. Patient was discharged with DSF (500 mg/day), and multivitamin supplementation. At discharge, his important parameters had been steady with pulse of 86 beats/min, and BP of 130/80 mm of Hg. Compliance with medications was ensured and supervised by his spouse. A fortnight later, patient complained of gradual onset occipital headache and giddiness with pulse price of 86 bpm and BP of 146/100 mm of Hg. Life style modifications and dietary measures along with above prescribed medicines were advised. On week4 of DSF therapy, his complaints of headache, giddiness worsened, and BP increased to 170/110 mm of Hg. In view of current inclusion of DSF, with the absence of prior health-related illnesses or drug history contributing to hypertension, possi.